As yours sincerely is turning 40 this year, I have been reading about what people write at 40. The common trend is “life begins at 40!”. For ladies, there is the added advantage of “displaying more confidence, the revelation that you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone anymore, that their complexion at this age is the best ever, and at 40, you are comfortable with your looks.
After reflecting on my own 40 milestone, I must admit that I am far from what the norm is. For a start, I still have pimples which some say that it’s a sign of youth. Although I have grown to accept pimples as a part of my life for as far as I could remember, I won’t mind losing them at 40 at all. Aside from the physical tick, I am still constantly kept at my toes. Don’t get me wrong, I have resigned from the fast pace corporate world, but being in the servicing industry, perpetual problems such as customers’ dissatisfaction, threat of competition, losing market share, poor service, shortage of funds etc constantly pull me out of my complacency and keep me humble.
On a personal note, I know that I am one of the rare fews who had achieved her dream at this age (as most would only enjoy this upon their retirement). I am living in my dream home and environment – constantly serenaded by birds chirping and greeted by an unbeatable view of the lake and hills. Staying with my parents had given me immeasurably joy and stability. At 39, God has blessed me with Priscilla, my no. 3. And of course, my other half, Ray, who has assumed more responsibility as a father since no 3 arrived (probably even without his knowledge) and has always been my greatest supporter in everything thing that I do.
So, at 40, I am grateful for what God has given me for the people that He has brought into my life and for the crisis and challenges at work. Although I may not exudes the same level of self-confidence, my confidence in God has definitely grown.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Psalm 23:6)