Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Common Trademark

Ever since I became a parent, I found myself repeating instructions to my children. The other day, after I had finished showering Joseph who was whiney after a nap, I told him "It is time to get out of the bath tub!" But when I saw him standing stone-like, seemingly oblivious to what I said, I began to get annoyed and repeated loudly "Can't you hear me? It is time to get out of the bath tub!" Upon my second irritated command, he reluctantly stepped out and walked slowly out of the bathroom. "Did you not hear me the first time?" He nodded "Then, why didn't you obey me?" I was vexed by the fact that both Clarissa and Joseph had succeeded in turning me into a CD player that keeps playing the same "tune".

I have always wondered why children do not listen and obey at my first and kindly offered instructions. To begin with, I am normally patient, happy and at ease. Somehow, after a series of seemingly futile string of words, I become uncontrollably vexed, not to mention furious at times! I am almost inclined to think that children tend to react quicker towards an infuriated adult as compared to a loving and kind mummy. As I was digesting this irrational trademark of kids, I was reminded of my own spiritual walk with our Heavenly Father. I wondered if I had also taken advantage of His sound advice and chose to ignore them, whenever I think I could get away with it; and I am not surprised to discover that I behaved just like my own kids!

There is something in each of us that caused us to rebel against authority and it has a lame name called SIN. As much as I thought "Wouldn't it be wonderful if Joseph would just move (like a puppet) upon my first command. He would be happy and my emotions would remain unchallenged!" Unfortunately, as every one of us is not a puppet and is given a free will, we quite often make the wrong choice. As a result, we upset people around us and most of all, dishonored God. Therefore, before I start to wonder why my children do not obey me, I must instead examine myself and pray for His forgiveness!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)


  1. Fee,

    I like your illustration. May more believers understand that our state really require us to do as 1 John 1:9 has prescribed, that we confess our sins, and ask for forgiveness, so that God will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.

    It saddens my heart to know that in more recent years, there have been teachings by supposedly appointed servants of God telling believers not to confess their sins and ask God for forgiveness once a person becomes a believer or Christian. Such teachings argue that 1 John 1:9 is for non-believers, and should not be practised by believers. Also, such teachers went round, reinterpreting fundamental scriptures of the faith along the lines of where repentance, confession, and asking of forgiveness from the Lord, are found in the Bible, they were addressing non-believers. These, in my understanding, are incorrect, and I would like to point this out, where appropriate, so that believers do not get misled. Because your little sharing touches on this subject, I thought I leave this comment on your blog site. If you like to read my full exposition of 1 john 1:9 against this erroneous teaching, you can hop over to my blog at

    May God grant you patience in your caring for His gifts (your children) to you.

  2. hi andrew,
    thank you for your comment. sounds like you have a burden in teaching. may yr blog bring blessings to many.


Joseph restoring joy to a friend

We were at a family retreat at Cameron Highlands. Children were having a fun time playing frisbees when one child, Ashton, threw the frisbee...