As our school 2nd term draws to a close, my
brother delivered a moving speech to the school team that is sharing worthy.
Some time ago when the conviction to start a school here in
Kampar was rooted, the pioneer team went to visit an established international
school in KL. The founder of this school was not only kind enough to open its
doors to us, he granted us an audience and insight into his views. “Starting an
international school in Kampar will be a graveyard! In fact, with the
University of Tunku Abdul Rahman setting up its main campus there? That was
also a graveyard (bad) decision! There is no future there.” He concluded.
Although we were taken aback by his honest views, we were undeterred
as the conviction to build a school was not from us, but from God. Interestingly,
I have totally forgotten about these impactful words until now.
“Actually, he was right. Kampar IS a graveyard for our kids!”
continued my brother in his speech. “This IS the place where their bad habits
die, and whatever that are hindering the children from moving forward, should
also perish here!” as he concurred with the educationalist from KL but from a
different viewpoint. “ Our school
will be come a GREAT yard where children prosper in learning! They will become
excellent learners. Over time, the poor students will become average students,
the average students will become good students, the good students will become
better students and the better students will become excellent students.”
That was a great metaphor, which reminded me of what Christ
had done on the cross for us. The cross despite signaling death, was a
God-given victory for all of us. All of us had to die to self first before we
could be born again with a new life in Christ. Thank you Lord for inspiring us
in this journey with your graveyard message!
Hi Fee,
ReplyDeleteGood write-up.
This is even a picture of the salvation journey; so sad that increasingly many do NOT see salvation is a journey, a process, that we do NOT instantly become mature, but are to grow. We come out of the ways of the world perpetuated by Satan, for the world is the domain where Satan perpetuates his rule, into the ways of the Kingdom of God, and we start like a child, feeding on milk, and then over time, go on to eat solid food - this is the picture of the believer painted in Scripture, yet denied by so many.
We are no longer of the world although we are still in the world. We are to live out the ways of the Kingdom of God, increasingly. The world system, under Satan, will continue to try to suck us back, but we are to be overcomers, continue on with our journey with the Lord. We have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12).
So many, including many believers in Singapore, are no longer believing that there is the "coming out", the "journeying", and the "coming into" of Salvation. There is now a repackaging of the "once saved always saved" heretic theology under the doctrine of grace. I called these people (believers), overly grace preachers and believers. Be careful of such teachings.
Grace brought the Israelites OUT of Egypt; it was freely that God brought the Jews out of that evil domain, by Moses, a type to Jesus, a redeemer. It was really a free gift; God caused a "coming out", lot, stock and barrel - all of the Jews, worthy or not worthy, out of Egypt. It was grace manifested as free gift, indeed. So, it is for your Kampar school. It was a "coming out" - the Jews did eventually come out of Egypt; and your school did come into being.
Grace continued to see the Israelites through, with Egypt hot on pursuit from behind. Grace manifested as empowerment or enablement, seeing the Jews through the crossing of the Red Sea. OT texts recorded this phase as the Jews went under the "sea and the cloud"; this is a type to the NT baptism of the water and the Spirit.
God told Moses to tell the Pharaoh that He was delivering the people out of Egypt to worship Him, and Scripture also recorded that worship as needing to live according to His prescription; in other words, obedience; in other words, to live according the His commandments and laws. So many times we read that the Israelites wanted to turn back, NOT liking what they were getting into, along the way. Turn back to where? To Egypt. The draw of the worldly system is still strong on many of us, believers, who have COME OUT of the world system. The Jews then needed to obey the ways prescribed by God, but they, time and time again, refused, and did that which were offensive to God, including the making and worshipping of the Golden Calf at the foot of Mount Sinai, and the refusal to enter into the Promised Land when they first came to the edge of the Land. Obedience was so necessary.
cont. on next page
Cont. from above
ReplyDeleteThe Israelites, as a whole, as a people, did enter into the Promised Land, but the adult generation who left Egypt, who repeatedly disobeyed and sinned against God, they (almost all of them) did NOT enter into the Promised Land; they died in the journey, in the wilderness. Even so, God was with them, travelled with them, in the Tabernacle. So, now for your school, that it has come into being, and operating, there is still much to be done; there is a model that needs to forged, and there is objective to come into. Grace can still be gift in manifestation, but in our salvation journey, much of the time, it (grace) manifests as empowerment or enablement for us to live out the life expected of us – a righteous life. In other words, if you want to see grace of God more, live in obedience to His will for your life.
Men’s perspective is NOT what counts; God’s perspective and will, is what counts. You said it, despite the so-called expert men’s view that it would fail, to set up the school, but since the conviction came from God, it was to be followed. The Jews took the perspective of the 10 spies (out of the 12) sent out to check out the Promised Land (the 1st time the Jews came near it), and refused to enter into; 2 spies (Joshua and Caleb) argued to follow God’s perspective and will, but were NOT heeded.
In the Gospel the Lord, Jesus, was asked if many would enter into Kingdom of Heaven (or Heaven), and Jesus gave the picture of the narrow road and gate that few would travel on it and enter through, respectively, and the broad ones that many would take. The narrow one leads to life, and broad one, Hell. Majority is NOT even right! Only God is right. In this fallen world, things can go wrong, people can go wrong, but NOT God. Obedience to Him and His commandments and instructions have always and will always be the way to life. In NT, Jesus revealed to us, loving God is equated to obedience (read John 14:15, 21a).
Anthony Chia, high.expressions
thank you Anthony for your valuable and encouraging insights!