Friday, March 5, 2010

You Did the Right Thing

I was in the park with the children, chasing Curly, our poodle. It was one of those scorching hot days. The kids were feeling energetic, but I was lethargic. However, I didn't want to disappoint them and agree to bring them to the park. My dad came much later, just when we were about to leave. He went for his usual brisk walk around the park.

While tugging Curly with one hand and pushing Clare and Joseph alternatively on the swing with the other, I could feel big drops of rain on my shoulder. Very soon, the rain came slapping down. I quickly grabbed Curly with one hand and called out to Clare and Joseph to run to the car. At the back of my mind, I was thinking about my dad. I saw him wearing his well-used cap. "He must be running to the nearest shelter." I told myself.

As soon as we got into the car, I told Clare to lock the door while I went off to look for "gong gong" with an umbrella. To my delight, he was running at an amazing speed towards me! As I shared the umbrella with him, I couldn't help but smile that my dad could still run like a sportman.

Once back in my car, Clare quickly pointed out "Mom, you did the right thing!" "Huh?" as I put away the umbrella. "You did the right thing by going back to fetch gong gong!" she praised me! Although I maintained my calm, smiling demeanor, my heart was screaming "What? All these times you have been watching what I do?" Kids, they are watching us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week regardless of whether we are aware of it. The amazing part is: children do know what is right from wrong. Therefore, it is important that I set a good example.

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:1-3)


  1. Such a lovely description of a daughter's love for her father. I can imagine your Dad looking proudly at his daughter who knew the right thing to do and for you to teach your daughter the importance of honouring one's parents in action. Keep up the good work Fee!!!

  2. Very touched by your message. Brought tears to my eyes.

  3. hi kwong
    the truth is: i did wonder if i NEED to get the umbrella to my dad, esp when my kids would be left alone in the car. but, after this, i am sure glad that i did!
    hi sue
    i felt that the greatest "prize" is unseen when we do good deeds to show our love to our heavenly father. in this case, clare's observation is a reminder that we are "constantly being watched" by kids and a host of angels & God.


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