Monday, December 14, 2009

Fighting Fish

Clarissa had been pestering me about getting a fish for keeps but my answer had always been negative until recently. “Mum, you need to get a fish for us, for performing in the VBS concert…please?” she asked with an angelic smile.

From memory, I recalled that there is a newly opened pet shop near my office. When we reached the shop, our eyes were glued to the multi-coloured, graceful fighting fish. Colours that I would have difficulty in blending for my boomerang project weeks ago, could be seen on an-inch long fish, looking splendid and natural. Their dull, lethargic bodies would be transformed into rainbow coloured with numerous tones, while their heads doubling in size when the barrier between the fish tanks is lifted. Within minutes, Joseph had selected an off white body matched with red fins, named Lion; Clarissa settled for a dark red fish with a tint of purple and blue, named Tiger!

As soon as we got home, Lion and Tiger were placed next to each other to display their hidden glory. After 2 days, Clarissa came to inform me that Lion was sick. His tail was showing signs of being damaged! Despite the torrential rain outside, I drove to the pet shop seeking for advice. “Your fish is eating his own tail” came the prompt reply. “What? Why? What do I do?” I asked in surprise. “Your fish is overly aggressive and angry. As a result, he ends up eating his own tail!” He said. “In fact, you could throw him away and get a new one! Its unfortunate that your fish turned out this way, but I assure you, not all fish behave the same way.”

I was amazed that for a small creature like Lion, his anger could be uncontained and may consume him! When I went home, I told Joseph that Lion must rest and should not be aggravated by being next to Tiger. Although we are much more complicated compared to fighting fish, we are no different when it comes to anger. If our anger goes unchecked, we could also do some serious damage to ourselves and others. Unresolved issues may slowly eat into our soul, edging bits by bits away, just like Lion is slowing losing its tail.

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4)

We need to rid ourselves of anger, including issues leading us to that. Else, Satan would end up having a foot hold in our lives. God is able to turn our anger into something positive, let us turn to Him. I would like to echo what my nephew, Isaac, shared today, after his recent church camp: “God took away my baggage of anger! I felt liberated!”


  1. Another children story there!!!! Thank you!

  2. i should post the Lion's pictures soon to show how bad his tail had become! its a reminder for all of us!

  3. so funny fancy a fish eating its own tail. :) praise God Jesus died for us not de fish. now, we can shout 'i am righteous by jesus' blood' despite our anger n can return to Him. :)


Joseph restoring joy to a friend

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